New application - Groundhog
call sign - groundhog
age - 46
type of internet connection and speed - cable, 50MBit/s
timezone - UTC+1 (Switzerland)
availability during the week and or weekends - during the week varies, mostly Tue or Thu. Weekend during the evenings
approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS - offline: Huey 190,5h, Mi-8 146h, Gazelle 40h, KA-50 22h / online: probably around 400 with Mi-8 and Huey.
knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor - know how triggers work
preferred chopper - Mi-8 (transport preferred), folowed by the Huey. Even though I had some AH/Gunship practice online, I prefer transportation.
your expectations w.r.t BSD. - interesting missions with different flights / learning upcoming helicopters within the group
Introduction: I started DCS probably around 2016 with the Ka-50 (and FC) because I thought it may be easier to fly than the Huey. Soon after I bought the Huey though and it felt a lot more like what I was looking for. When the Mi-8 came out, I first didn't buy it. I always thought it must be an "old" module because the helicopter didn't look very spectacular. However, people in the forums all said "it's the best module". Thus, I bought it and never regret it.
In 2017, I started with some DCS videos. That's when Molevich contacted me and asked to join BSD which I did. Unfortunately it didn't work out at this time for various reasons and I left toward 229th and the 8-Mates where I made my Senior Wings with the Mi-8.
Things grew, had to do FL or SC sometimes and I flew almost 3x a week which simply became too much after 1,5 year. I took a break and flew "every now and then" offline again, mainly the campaigns. So here I am, trying BSD for the 2nd time, hoping it's turning out well this time.
As mentioned with the prefered choppers, my favourite task is transport (troops and/or sling load).
Thus, I'm curious to see how things work and I'm looking forward to fly with you (not 3x a week anymore though !)
I already had my introduction flight with Molevich last week btw.