
Hello everyone,

I'm ThoWmas31, a French guy with a terrible accent when i talk in English :), i'm the creator of french FOX3 squadron, we also have a YouTube channel for my squadron i created tutorial videos for the Apache. 

  • Callsign: ThoWmas
  • Age: 31
  • Internet connection and speed: 1gbits optical fiber
  • Timezone: Alpha time zone, Paris time (UTC +2
  • Availability: 21:00 to 00:00 on week nearly every working day
  • Flight hours on DCS: Wow that a good question (the only good things when you use steam), overall more than 1500 hours, in helicopter less, at least 200 i would say. And from my perspective, i'm still a 'meh' pilot
  • Knowledge level with DCS ME: Basic editing stuff, we run a dedicated server with a surexeness mission for my squadron, i add somes scripts like DSMC and CTLD, i created some 'mission' with scenario for my squadron, PVE mission with triggers but no mist or moose functionnality (i hate coding)
  • Preferred Chopper: AH-64D or KA-50, i'm a more attack helicopter guys, i'm interested to play with a CPG or a pilot, i never fly with george (in my squadron we have several Apache player) 
  • Expectations with BSD: I'm reaching a progression point, i will need help and  knowledge to continue my progression. I learn chopper alone with documents like Fm-1-112 (us attack helicopter operation)  or video from Casmo for example.Be in environment with all peoples sharing passion for rotor wings should be a great experience.

  • Re: A new blue asking for knowledge, ThoWmas31

    by » 3 years ago

    Just one question for you @ThoWmas31. Why would you fly here if you have your own Squadron of AH-64?

  • Re: A new blue asking for knowledge, ThoWmas31

    by » 3 years ago

    Hello BaDCrC,

    I have a multi aircrafts squadron, we are not dedicated to 1 aircraft, it's a personal choice of myself to be more a helicopter pilot than a jet pilot.Nearly every members bought the Apache but after X weeks, maybe we are 2 to still fly rotor wings :)
    I nearly learned everything from myself, and i'm reaching the point in terms of knowledge and skill i will need someone to teach me how to fly in a group. i will try to be more precise :
    Yes i know how to launch a hellfire or a vikr and kill a tank (good job boy), but in terms of tactics/approach/flight package management, interacting with other helicopter i'm still learning, and on those particular points i think black shark den should be useful

  • Re: A new blue asking for knowledge, ThoWmas31

    by » 3 years ago

    Sounds good. Thanks. See you soon online.

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