New Application
your call sign: Gooseboy (assigned by another squadron)
your age: 29
your type of internet connection and speed: Wired, 453 Mbps up, 22 Down
your timezone: Eastern US
your availability during the week and or weekends: I am available in the mornings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On weeknights I am available from 0000-0300 (Second Shift worker) Weekends I'm on call but depending on the time, I can be very available.
your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: had a couple reinstalls but I'll wager roughly 700, but around 3000 on other flight sims (mostly FSX/P3D)
your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: I've played around with it, I can make simple missions but nothing fancy.
your preferred chopper: I currently have the most hours in the Mi-8, around 2-300 between SP campaigns and MP. I fully intend on maintaining currency in the Hip, but also becoming proficient in the Mi-24 and OH-58 when they release.
your expectations w.r.t BSD. - I want to be a better DCS Chopper pilot, and learn as much as I can about methods, tactics, tips, etc. I also want to be part of a large community that is as passionate about combat helicoptering as I am. I also enjoy support functions so I would like to work on doing ATC, JTAC, and the like