New Application - nkr
your call sign: nkr
your age (must be over 18 years old): 34
your type of internet connection and speed: Fiber - 200mb
your timezone: GMT - 3
your availability during the week and or weekends: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday during the evenings. Wednesday, Fridays and Saturdays it depends.
your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: ~50 hours in the F16, ~3 hours in the KA-50
your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Basic, I can setup training missions
your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): I've only flown the KA-50 so far and it's incredible
your expectations w.r.t BSD.: Learning how to properly fly the KA-50 and Helicopter combat tactics, having fun simming with good and friendly people
about me: Im 34M from Brazil, São Paulo. I work at a tech startup and my hobbies are flight sims, RPG games, shooters, playing the guitar and watching shows and movies. Im also starting a reef tank :D