New applicaton: Speckfire
Callsign: Speckfire
Age: 50+
ISP: Cable, ~120mbps
Time Zone: Eastern UTC -5
Availability: Usually after 6PM EST weekdays 23:00 Zulu
DCS experience:
I have flown the Ka-50 since BS1, the UH-1 and the Mi-8 since they came out. Same thing with the Gazelle, day 1 purchase.
I have gone further in depth with the Mi-8 for some odd reason, I guess I am a Hind-oholic ;)
I have used the mission editor and I am comfortable with it to a certain extent.
I also have done a few skins for DCS and my previous squad, the 159th GAR.
My expectations: A squad experience, dedicated people who enjoy helo simming. Team play, having fun and meeting up with my ex-squaddies who happen to be in BS.