
your call sign: viroge

your age (must be over 18 years old): 39

your type of internet connection and speed: 500mb down/20mb up

your timezone: UTC+1

your availability during the week and or weekends: I'm available mostly in the evenings hours

your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: 200+ in the mi8, ~100 in the huey, ~50 in the ka50, and a few dozen in various fixed wings

your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Basic, I know I saw somewhere that button for the mission editor... :) Did set up some basic missions for ka50 practice

your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): mi8 

your expectations w.r.t BSD: Learning stuff to be able to fly multiplayer missions more effectively and then enjoy these group flights.  

about me:

I'm a flightsim enthusiast, have more than 3000 hours on VATSIM in various airframes. I'm flying in DCS 95% for the helos. I'm mostly flying on the blueflag servers, where I enjoy transporting stuff back and forth. I love the flight model of the mi8 really much, so much that I'm not really interested in shooting things. :) When I need a change/break, I fly the ka50 and the huey a little. 

I'm hungarian, I work for a financial institute as a network security engineer. 

Looking forward to fly with you guys. :)

  • Re: New Application - viroge

    by » 4 years ago

    Welcome  Viroge! If you haven't yet, get on our Discord to keep up with day to day info.

    You will fall into my group in the EU. We have very good pilots and trainers for the MI-8 (one guy who is building a whole cockpit for the MI-24!) and is the best at the MI-8. 

    First thing first we will set up an introduction flight with you. It can be any time that you and an Unit trainer or Instructor pilot are free.

    It gives you a good chance to see what we do, how we do and make up your mind if it is for you.
    It also gives us a good chance to see where you are with your skills and what if anything you need to work on.
    Very informal just a flight around the base and maybe a flight out to a ship and back. A chance to chat and get to know each other.

    Once you decide you like what you see, you will be asked to join as a trainee. You will have access to all the documents and information to help you advance and learn the helicopters you fly.

    The readiness level progression starts at RL3 and moves to RL1. We ask you at least attend twice a month to stay current on the training.
    The more you are here and active the more you will learn and advance.

    There are many knowledgeable pilots to help you along the way, any questions you have feel free to ask.

    So let's start the first step and get a good time to do an introduction flight.

    With BSD having both US and EU time zone flights even if you work odd hours you will be able to catch one flight or another.

    Welcome to the BSD.

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