New Application - viroge
your call sign: viroge
your age (must be over 18 years old): 39
your type of internet connection and speed: 500mb down/20mb up
your timezone: UTC+1
your availability during the week and or weekends: I'm available mostly in the evenings hours
your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: 200+ in the mi8, ~100 in the huey, ~50 in the ka50, and a few dozen in various fixed wings
your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Basic, I know I saw somewhere that button for the mission editor... :) Did set up some basic missions for ka50 practice
your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): mi8
your expectations w.r.t BSD: Learning stuff to be able to fly multiplayer missions more effectively and then enjoy these group flights.
about me:
I'm a flightsim enthusiast, have more than 3000 hours on VATSIM in various airframes. I'm flying in DCS 95% for the helos. I'm mostly flying on the blueflag servers, where I enjoy transporting stuff back and forth. I love the flight model of the mi8 really much, so much that I'm not really interested in shooting things. :) When I need a change/break, I fly the ka50 and the huey a little.
I'm hungarian, I work for a financial institute as a network security engineer.
Looking forward to fly with you guys. :)