New application for Rotordisc_jockey
Callsign: Rotordisc_jockey
Age: 32
Connection type/speed: 40Mbps
Timezone: BST (UTC+1)
Availability: most weeknights (1900 - 2300)
Flight Hours in DCS:
Huey - 48hrs 34mins
Tasking experience:
- Troop insertion/extraction
- Resupply (routine or tactical)
- Naval ops
Mission Editor knowledge: Nil
Hi guys,
I'm Chris, 32 from the UK.
Spent plenty of time flying the Huey on DCS on the various single player campaigns as well as time just practicing on free flight so keen to now take it to the 'next level' and fly productively with an online Sqn.
I'd consider my primary skillset to be focussed around tactical insertion/extraction of ground forces, CASEVAC and CSAR ops. Practiced in 'hot and high' aswell as MAUM ops, low level and mountain flying. Had a play in Naval operations - frigate mostly Competent in night ops, both RNF and NVG.
Where i'm slightly lacking is use of the aircraft comms/nav systems - not something i've delved into in SP campaigns with having to focus on HP duties. Happy with the ADF but that's about it to be honest. I've also never really played around with the mission editor, also just downloaded Combatflite so i'll try and get myself familiar with the intricacies of that system.
Looking forward to cracking on and building into the community with you all! See you in the briefing room :)