New application for Av8or
4 years ago
- call sign: Av8or
- age: 34
- connection and speed: VDSL 50MBits/sec
- timezone: UTC +2
- availability during the week: Generally every day between 1500Z and 1800Z depending on obligations.
- flight hours spent on DCS: Almost 500hrs with several modules I own. Probably around 100 of them spent on Huey and around 50 on Ka-50 and Mi-8.
- knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Very low. I mostly fly fixed missions but I have tried to make one or two very simple ones.
- preferred chopper: Huey
- expectations w.r.t BSD.: Learn more on choppers in general (precision flying, procedures, tactics etc.), share my knowledge with the other members and have fun.