New Application
Callsign: Lasecun
Age: 40
Connection type/speed: FIOS/600MBS
Timezone: GMT+1
Availability: Two or three nights during the week and during the weekend I'm available
Flight Hours: 675 Hr in the SIM - Almost playing choppers.
Mission Editor knowledge: I know how to use triggers and add scripts I can build missions and I tihnk I know all the stuffs from the editor, but not too much idea with LUA.
Preferred Airframe: UH1 > Mi8 > K50 > SA34
Expectations: I want to move to the next level in this SIM and play in a cooperative way with other players. I want to practice and improve the procedures and mechanics. I'm also use playing Flight Simulator in IVAO network, and I love this world too. I'm from Spain so I don't know if my timezone fits well in your mission schedule but I'm so flexible at weekends, so I will do my best to join and pratice with you. I hope the language is not a problema, maybe at the begining I'll be slowly but.. I'm use to speak english at job so.. I think it's not an impediment.
I want to focus in the utility area, with UH1 or Mi8 but also I want to improve the K50.