New Application
Hello Everyone
- Call Sign: Dragonfly
- Age: 27
- Internet speed: 200Mbit/s
- Timezone: Switzerland, C.E.T / UTC +1
- Availability during the week: Most weekdays after 17:00Z, availability depending on Work/Studying (60/60%) Weekends: Saturday after 17:00Z, Sunday evening.
- Flight hours: (Approx.) Ka-50: 50h+, Mi-8: 50h+
- Mission Editor knowledge: Very low. Simplistic testing/pratice missions.
- Preferred chopper: Both Mi-8 and Ka-50.
- My expectations: Flying and learning in a co-op based enviroment. Improve flyingskills, learn more about helicopters and helicopter operation. I have a basic knowlege of the systems, but i'm looking forward to practice and use them more regularly and with other pilots; get proficent in formationflying, flight patterns, correct voice procedures, etc. Also to learn how reduce deaths when flying in combat missions, how to recon and clear a target area systematically, without overseening hidding threats, aswell as chopper vs. chopper situations. And last but not least, spending time, having fun with other rotorheads and enjoying the Helicopters in DCS.