New application.
Call sign: Spylon
Age: 25
Connection: 4g ~12Mbit (Farmer internet, no landline)
Timezone: Alpha (UTC+1/France)
Availability: Most weekdays after 18:00, depends on work schedule. All day on weekends, even out of timezone.
Flight time: Steam says 1700 hours in DCS. Mostly fixed wing, everything from L39 to F16. I would say maybe 50-75 hours helicopter flying.
Editor Knowledge: Basic. I know how it works and how to use basic LUA scripts, MOOSE etc...
Preferred chopper: I have most experience with UH-1.
My Expectations: I've always wanted to get into helicopters in DCS, i found solo play boring and public servers tend to neglect helicopter pilots. I want learn how to fly helicopters in an organised group.