your call sign: fatalbert
your age (must be over 18 years old): 25
your type of internet connection and speed: 500mb down/40mb up
your timezone: UTC+2
your availability during the week and or weekends: I don't fly every day but I'm available pretty much all days
your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: 100+, split between Huey, F-16 and F-18 mostly, but I also like the occasional warbird
your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Average, I can set up a basic mission
your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): Huey or in the future Bo-105 and Apache ????
your expectations w.r.t BSD: Improving my flying, learn extra skills such as radio comms, combat flying etc. and ofcourse have a lot of fun
about me:
My name is Liam and I'm from The Netherlands. I've always had an interest in aviation, but the last few years this was mainly focused at rotary. Besides my main job in IT I'm also an aviation photographer (again mainly focused at the rotary side). I've had the chance to fly helicopters a few times due to my hobby, most recently did 2 flights in the Swiss Alpes for some photoshoots (video here). High up on my wish list I've got flying a Huey in real life, sadly due to COVID-19 this has to wait till next year...
I've been flying with DJ and Flyer recently through the DCS Huey facebook group and they intruduced me to BSD, which seems to offer what I'm looking for :) Hope to learn a lot here and hopefully fly with you soon!