Jaba application
Callsign: Jaba
Age: 31
Type of internet connection and speed: Broadband, 130 down/19 up
Timezone: GMT -6 (CST)
Availability during the week: I work 2nd shift, I'm most available on the weekends from around noon through to the early morning. Weekdays typically 0100-0500
Number of flight hours already spent on DCS: I havent kept a logbook. Most of my time is in the Hornet, Harrier, and Huey
Knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: I've have made some very basic missions just for myself to practice on, but it's nothing to write home about.
Preferred chopper (you can love them all!): Blackhawk. Seeing how we don't have that, the modules I do own are Huey and Gazelle. I'm looking forward to the Kiowa and the Hind, and am considering learning the Hip if needed for Afghanistan '79 style missions. I have all 4 DCS maps.
Expectations w.r.t BSD.: A structured training environment and an organized mission environment to use that training in. Semi-serious in terms of attitude.
As an additional blurb, I'm somewhat comfortable in the Huey and not at all familiar with the Gazelle. I find all the roles available interesting, but perhaps the cat and mouse nature of the scout role interests me most. Currently I only have "experience" with lift. Recently I've started doing skins in my spare time, but its a long tedious process. I'm currently getting a WOFT package together for the US Army, so any experience or advice from actual pilots would be much appreciated. I know this a predominantly DCS focused group, but if anyone has any advice or experience with other sims(Xplane, FSX) I'd be interested in that as well.