Application: Vigilante
Callsign: Vigilante
Age: 28
Internet: Cable, 50 mbs
Timezone: PST
Availability: Week days are hard to work around with myself being in the military. I'm typically open in the evenings unless I have training to conduct. Weekends are easier to work around, I usually do my gaming in the evening.
Flight hours: Roughly 300 hours in the past 2 years I've played. Rotary wing is around 100 hours cumulatively for all currently released modules.
Mission editor: Very little, with little to no scripting. Just recently started playing with triggers and such.
Preferred birds: All of them! But if I had a choice, probably the Ka-50.
Expectations w.r.t. BSD: Looking for a dedicated group that plays at a realistic level in the game. I've played DCS with many others before but it typically turns in to a cluster f***! I'm trying to find some sort of structure to what I do in DCS, and I believe this is the place.