Welcome Dave! Glad you found your way here.
Thanks for the post.
I see OJ spoke with you on Discord. So what we do now is set a time to fly an introduction flight. Its a very easy laid back flight. Where we get to know each other and you get to see a little of what we do.
We will do things like take off in formation, fly the pattern a little, pick spots to land and have a chat. After that if you decide you like what you see, we will make you a member and a RL3 trainee.
From there you will fly with unit trainer for your Readiness Level. RL2 can be done in just a few flights or spread out over weeks. Level are RL3,RL2 and RL1.
Most training flights are five to nine pilots so you will have company.
As OJ said right now the BSD_EU is growing at a good rate. Not too bad for our first year!
Missions or training missions are done during the week. Tuesdays or Wednesdays seem to be the most popular, but someone is on flying most night of the week.
So let me or OJ know when you want to go up.