Application Activity
Call sign: Activity
Age: 24
Internet: 100 Mbps Up, 100Mbps Down
Timezone: GMT+1 (Alpha)
Availability: Most weeknights 19:00 - 00:00, available all weekends except every 1 in 4.
Flight hours: UH-1H: 40 hrs. Mi-8: 20 hrs Ka-50: 20 hrs. SA342: 10 hrs (very rough estimate)
Mission Editor knowledge level: Intermediate. Got experience making dynamic mission for a small group of players, got some experience using the MOOSE framework making a 24/7 mission running right now called "War of Abkhazia".
Preferred chopper: Can't say I have one favourite, as of late I've been enjoying the Ka-50 but I do love the UH-1H and Mi-8 too.
Expectations: Looking for a primary group to fly DCS with in weekly events, but also during normal weeknights.