Application from BK
call sign: BK
age: 48
type of internet connection and speed: cable 55 up 10 down
timezone: East availability during the week: Nights after 6PM,Weekends mostly free.
approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: Somewhere over 100( just a guess)More fixed wing than Choppers.
knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Basic
preferred chopper (you can love them all!) KA-50, Have the Huey but less than 1 hour in it.
expectations w.r.t BSD.: Looking for a US based group flying the Choppers and can work with less experienced pilots to help through the learning curve.One that works as a team and above all has fun in this hobby.
A little about me: I started with Flanker then Lock on/FC's offline and just toyed with it a little. I moved on to Warbirds 2.7 joined a squad and have been an online player ever since. I moved up to IL2 1946, started a squad and at one time ran 3 servers through HL and had fun doing so. I now fly Cliffs of Dover with my group but after almost 5 years I'm CLOD burnt out. Somewhere in there I rediscovered DCS world and bought a few modules A10c, BS2,FC3,CA and all the ww2 planes...and a bunch more(hope the wife won't see this! :D ) In my down time from Clod I would fly DCS,Su-27's KA-50's and some A10c's as well. I like BS2 the best but never flew on line.I can cold start, take off, fly to WP's, use the weapons, land but didn't think I knew enough to go on line and last that long. Well, as an on line player I'm bored of quick missions and flying by myself.I saw BadCrC post to a tailless KA I sort of landed before I blew up picture so I clicked on the link to see what BSD was and here I am.