
  • call sign - Expan
  • age: 43
  • internet connection and speed: 40Mb down, 8 Mb Up
  • timezone: GMT - UK
  • availability during the week - 1700 to 1900 EST with more flexibility at weekends
  • number of flight hours already spent on DCS - Guessing around 60 hours - mainly rotary.
  • your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor - Sadly minimal, but looking to learn initially so I can design my own training missions and then perhaps something more grand
  • your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): 1) Gazelle 2) Huey 3) Own Mi 8, but yet to explore it 4) Never been in Ka 50
  • your expectations w.r.t BSD:  Keen to develop my flying skills further, but really keen to actually explore the full potential of DCS as well.  Ideally if I can be pointed in the direction of an easy to digest training on mission editing as well as learning to work in groups with comms I think my enjoyment will increase and maybe I could even produce something useful for others.
  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Glad to have you here and glad to see another who enjoys the Gazelle!

  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Welcome!  I look forward to flying with you.

  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Thanks guys.

    Also really looking forward to the new visuals with 2.5 .............  If only I could get the open beta to update.

  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Hey Expan not going to lie the UK time zone will be tough we are working on how to make it easier on everyone. We have a couple UK guys some more frequent then others so hopefully there will always be people to fly with as for your intro flight there is another intro flight happening for someone else tomorrow at 9:00Est but I imagine that will be too late for you. More than likely you will do your intro flight with crosser and maybe Bk if his schedule allows but I think Bad and I are pretty tied up this week.

    Really looking forward to fly with you 


  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Like Eagle mentioned, being in the UK isn't easy while still trying to fly with the core group. I recently came back to flying myself (mostly because of work related issues), but there are some US folks that have fairly flexible schedules. At the time of this post I'll have almost everything setup for 2.5 beta. Depending on what my wife wants me to do after I get home from work tomorrow (approx 1800GMT) I'll be more than happy to see if we can coordinate some flight time

  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Hi Expan,

    Thanks for your introduction and a warm welcome to BSD.

    Like what Eagle said, we had moderate success at best in keeping our UK pilots due to time difference. Sunday afternoons flights are not always possible to accommodate you guys.

    If you think this is OK, please join the existing intro flight wed night or propose a date and time (you can chat with us directly on BSD discord channel). Intro flight is here to meet with the gang, evaluate your basic skills and the amount of work (if needed) to make you an operational pilot at BSD.

  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Hello Expan, welcome to BSD!

  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Hi Expan, welcome! As I have the day free, let me know a good time to get together. Or if Crosser can get to you first for some flight time.


  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Welcome Expan!

    I work from home so weekdays 1700-1900 EST are actually perfect for me, although that's unusual for most.  

    We have done a couple workshops on mission devel, scripting, and such.  More to come.

    And yes, always great to have another gazelle pilot in the fold!  

  • Re: Application for Expan

    by » 7 years ago

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys.  Seems like this is definitely the right place for me to be.  

    I'll go and work out how to set up the comms and maybe catch someone online either tonight or on Friday night.



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