Application for LC
- your call sign: LC
- your age: 35
- your type of internet connection and speed: 72 up, 7 down
- your timezone: CST USA
- your availability during the week: Varies, after 6pm on most days, but with 3 kids in sports (and a wife) it can be spotty some seasons during the year
- your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: On the Huey only about 5 hours, but I know the instruments, how to take off, hover, land, but still learning how to do all of them well
- your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Have made a few practice missions for myself, nothing beyond that
- your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): Only have the Huey at the moment
- your expectations w.r.t BSD: To have fun, get into some MP instead of playing same single player missions over and over, learn something new about the Huey and meet new people who share my interest in flight sims. As I said I just got the Huey and loved it immediately after being riding the F-15, Sabre, A-10 and prop planes since LOMAC came out. Still learning the Huey, but can fly, hover and land without dying (mostly). Need work on hover, but I'm getting better each flight.