Apex 9-1 Reintroduction Post
6 months ago
- Your call sign - Apex 9-1
- Your age (must be over 18 years old) - 36
- Your type of internet connection and speed - LAN/800 down/200 up
- Your timezone - Pacific Standard Time
- Your availability during the week and or weekends - Almost nightly during the week, Daily/nightly on weekends
- Your approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS - Thousands (Almost exclusively on miultiplayer so no log book to reference)
- Your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor - Basic slot placement, AI placement, Static placement. Need to learn about triggers and zones.
- Your preferred chopper (you can love them all!) - OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
- Your expectations w.r.t BSD - Structured flight in a group of helicopter enthusiasts. Improve my skills through challenging tasks/missions. Extensive training. Learning the new OH-58D and how it is supposed to be used properly as a recon aircraft. Large scale operations and missions working with my squadron and in conjunction with other airframes. A group of like minded indivuduals who take DCS helicopter flying seriously and want to advance to the next level.