FinnSwede's application
Callsign: FinnSwede
Age: 24
Connection: Fibre 100/100 mb/s
Timezone: Zulu +2
Availability: I work at sea so I'm gone half the year (4-6 weeks on/off) but available basically whenever the rest of the year, even American times.
Gametime: Been actively flying DCS multiplayer since 2018 and on/off before that and for the past few years the majority of my times have been in helicopters. 1000hrs + I guess.
Editor skills: Can make reasonable missions in the editor, I'm more limited by my own imagination than my editor skills.
Preferred airframes: Mi-24 with the Mi-8 and Ka-50 sharing the second place. I own every rotorcraft in DCS but those are my prefered ones.
The more I've found my true calling in rotorcraft the more I've noticed helicopters tend to be shoehorned into most missions I've flown with previous groups and I would very much like to experience purpose built rotorcraft mission with a group that challenges my own flying skills and offers opportunity to further improve on my flying.