Hunkerbull's Application
3 years ago
- Call Sign: Hunkerbull
- Age: 39
- Internet Connection: Fiber 300
- Time Zone: EST
- Availability: Weekdays daily mornings and 1st, 3rd, 5th weekend monthly
- Flight hours: 50 not really sure my profile reset after a patch. I am recently returning to the game
- Mission Editor Knowledge: Basic, would like to learn more and make missions. Currently learning lua for another project would like to use it in DCS one day
- Preferred Chopper: Mi-8 but Iike the Gazelle and look forward to FM improvements before I invest more time. Would like to learn OH-58 when it is released. I own all the released helicopters but prefer to fly transport/utility and like the idea of scouting.
- Expectations: Been diving into multiplayer lately and having a blast but would like to fly with like minded people with a common goal. I would also like to learn to be a better pilot.