ReggiePerrin's application
Callsign: ReggiePerrin
Age: 50+
Connection type/speed: 80mbs Timezone: UK
Availability: Most days 1700-2200 subject to life, the Universe, and everything
Flight Hours: I've been into DCS since VR became a thing back in 2016. I don't know how many hours, so I'll go with, many
Mission Editor knowledge: DCS has a mission editor? nil'ish knowledge, but will learn, I've been watching/enjoying some of the videos on the BSD Youtubes channel
Expectations: Hoping to fly with like minded people and master the Mi8. This is the one module that I constantly crash, which isn't the best thing to admit to in my application, but it's the module I keep coming back to and get the most satisfaction from flying.. VRS, it just wants to kill you! I also enjoy flying the other DCS helicopters,
cheers Reggie