Alligator introduction!
My name is Alan, (callsign Alligator AlanSiq95#5094 @ Discord) and I love Helis! I've attempted with no success to become a Pilot for the Military Police here in Brazil, with no success. I went that route because they deal with training and qualifications at no expense on my end, but life ended up going somewhere else and I'm happy with it.
Currently I fly with HOTAS + TrackIR setup and I own PG and Syriah.
Currently I'm 25 years old, live in Brazil (GMT -3) and I play daily anywhere from 19:00 EST up to 23:00 EST during weekdays, and I don't mind extending it further on weekends. I'm happily married and work from home, so you'll see me in discord/forums a lot when I'm not too busy at work.
I've spent approximately 10-15 hours flying the UH-1H mostly doing single player campaigns or logistics on PGAW / GAW servers. I'm still learning how to properly navigate with the Huey and use the ADF + other comms. I have a LOT to work on to say the least. I'm more or less decent with hovering the aircraft (I'm not the guy that will blow everyone up by accident, but I can't open bottles with my skids either. I have never tried to fly formation with helis before and I'm still practicing landing patterns.
I expect to have guidance on BSD to eventually fly missions (even the most complex types) one day. I'll go beyond to practice on my own and with help, but I could use help to find out what I should work on. Also, I want to chill, talk about helis, have a good laugh and have fun. I'm interested in the hardcore simulation aspect with proper radio callouts and realism, not so much of the casual type.
I love my Huey, but I will go full nerd on the Apache once it comes out!
Be advised I also fly the A-10C II every other sunday with another squad. I hope it's not a problem.