Application form for Red Donkey
your call sign: Red Donkey
your age: 39
your type of internet connection and speed: 40 mbps
your timezone: 0 GMT
your availability during the week: I schedule my own work, so I can play at different times of the day/night. Depends upon workload that week
number of flight hours already spent on DCS: About 40 hours. Only single player. Just studying systems. Never been able to really pull a mission off. Pissed of on the Wingman AI. That's why I´m here :)
your knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: 1 out of 10. Don't understand it.
your preferred chopper (you can love them all!): Ka-50
your expectations w.r.t BSD.: I would like to learn playing as a team. And getting the basics down. Not used to multiplayer, so a bit scared I am :) I don't know much about tactics and hope to learn more about that. So many questions too... so many questions.