
Call Sign : Cornerstone

Age : 24

Net connection : 60mbps

Timezone : GMT +1 (BST)

Availability : Weekdays past 1700Z, Weekends generally Sunday past 1600Z

Hours on DCS : 50-75h

Editor Knowledge : Basic knowledge, mostly changing pre-generated missions for friends.

Preferred chopper : OH-58D Kiowa

Expectations : Looking for more organised play and slightly more tailor made experiences that can be found in public servers. Enjoy doing things "by the book" in a milsim environment (background in Arma 3 milsim). 
  • Re: Introduction Cornerstone

    by » one month ago

    Hi Cornerstone and thanks for this intro.

    Make sure you join our Discord server (maybe you already did) and ask one of our IP for your initial check ride or intro flight.

    See you soon online!

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