
Callsign: KiDra

Age: 42

Location: Germany (GMT+2)

Internet connection: Cable (1000/50).

Availability: Most days in the afternoon.

Approx Flight Hours: I am flying DCS since Lock-On days and have >10 hours in the OH-58D.

Mission Editor: Basic

Preferred Heli: OH-58D

Expectations: So far I have been flying DCS more or less casually. While I have at least basic knowledge in most topics and flew most modules to an extend where I had fun, it always was a jack of all trades master of none kinda deal in single player and small groups online. I now want to develop my hobby further and thus decided to focus on the OH-58D to learn properly.

I am looking forward to learning from and adapting to an established group that offers a formalized context with a clear learning path. I want to gain the skills necessary (systems, tactics, brevity etc.) to become a good team player and get a sense of achievement.

I expect it to be challenging, fun and rewarding.

  • Re: Introduction KiDra

    by » one month ago

    Thanks for this extensice intro Kidra. I hope we will meet your expectations.

    I think you are already through the process on our Discord server so see you online soon.

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