Hi guys!
Call sign: Tiro
Age: 22 years old
Type of internet connection and speed: Fiber optic currently wifi. Moving in about two weeks, will surely switch to ethernet. Ping <10ms on nearby servers.
Timezone: CET
Availability: Sizeable for the foreseeable future. Most afternoons and evenings during the week, will gladly spend my weekends with you guys if all goes well.
Approximate number of flight hours on DCS: I'd say 1000-1500. I started flying in January 2022 with no prior experience on flight sims in general. I've loved it so much I just never stopped.
Knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Comfortable with the basics of units and waypoints placements, drawings, radio presets, some experience with basic triggers, no experience with any LUA stuff. I used to make briefings for a squadron I was part of though.
Preferred chopper (I will love them all!): The Hind taught me everything I know, I've VRSed, and oversped and mushed countless times in that beast. Its flight and combat style are what draw me to it compared to the tamer Ka-50 and the lighter Gazelle. Hip gets an honourable mention for how relaxing sling loading is in it, but the Hind remains on top.
My expectations: I hope to find a place that's both friendly and that heavily promotes coordination. I've had a taste of coordinated helo flights and i've been chasing the high of coordination in DCS ever since.