one year ago
- Call sign: Foka
- Age (must be over 18 years old):34
- Type of internet connection and speed: Fiber Optic, 100 mbps upload/download
- Timezone: Estern
- Availability during the week and or weekends: Every day 9am - 12pm estern week days, 24/7 on weekends, except 1 weekend of the month.
- Approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: 1000+, 5 years
- Knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: Negative on editor, never had the need. Willing to learn, did many in arma 2.
- Preferred chopper (you can love them all!): ah 64
- Expectations w.r.t BSD: working with real cpg (i like to fly- real pilot) - deep into systems and procedures, team work and combat tactics. Go beyond chucks guide. working with alot of helciopters at the same time. Learn.