Recruitment Intro - Dr John
Call Sign: Dr John
Age: 52
type of internet connection and speed: Gigapower - AT&T
timezone: CST
availability during the week and or weekends: After 4pm on Weekdays, weekends varies with real life commitments
approximate number of flight hours already spent on DCS: 400 hrs in the A-10C, 7 hrs in the AH-64D
knowledge level with the integrated DCS Mission Editor: basic level
preferred chopper: AH-64D, although I love them all.
expectations w.r.t BSD: Being able to learn and fly the AH-64D while developing a sense of friendship and shared interests with others. I love the multi crew concept, makes the excitment so much better sharing the hunt and the kill with a partner. I'm a real world pilot with about 700 hrs in fixed wing and just a handful in rotor wing.