
- Your Callsign : Sithis

- Your Age : 32

- Internet : 100mbit DSL, ping to EU servers ca. 30ms

- Your time zone : A/B

- Your availability during week or weekends : variable due to work, currently available during the week, unavailable during most weekends

- Your approx hours on DCS : Like all of them? Since 2008? Oh I seriously do not want to know myself. I am probably well into the 5 digits at this point.

- Your knowledge level with integrated DCS mission editor : Regularly built missions, but have so far stayed away from scripting.

- Your preferred chopper : NH90 and I still have not given up hope that it will one day be in DCS. Apart from that the Huey

- Your expectations wrt BSD : Always a fan of participating in organiced, more teamwork orientated missions. Hoping to learn a lot from the people around here and maybe I ll even be able to repay it with some ME services.

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