
Call sign: Cheese

Age: 41

Internet Connection: 500mbps wired

Timezone: EDT - NYC

Availability: Varies wildly due to work schedule varying wildly.

DCS Experience: All told over the years, hundreds of hours. Mostly fixed wing, recent convert to the dark side. (Better late than never, no?)

Mission Editor: I tinker enough to know I appreciate people that know how to use the thing well.

Preferred A/C:  UH-60L Never thought I'd have fun being a truck driver, but here I am!

Expectation: Learn, have fun; connect with some new people!

  • Re: Introduction - Cheese

    by » 2 weeks ago

    Thanks Cheese and welcome to the light side, NOT the Dark side. The Dark side is the fixed wing: Quicker, easier, more seductive.

    Thanks for this intro. Jump on our Discord server and Rephil, our IP will take you for a ride.

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