The most immersive DCS public server dedicated to rotor wings
Our developers have been capitalizing on our 9 years of operations to build what we believe will be the best DCS helicopter experience that no other public servers we tested so far can meet.
The Helo World public server is offering you the Blacksharkden experience less the milsim aspects or the need to become a member. It does stick though to its three founding principles: a FIXED WING FREE environment, NO Players Vs Players and encouraging COOPERATIVE missions. We value the roles of ALL the DCS helicopters and give them meaningful tasks that will influence the outcome of the battle. Auto kick and auto ban are enabled for team killing (make sure you understand the server rules available in the doc on our Discord Server). All DCS helicopters are available plus the UH-60L Mod (not mandatory to join the server). Although we took away some of the milsim aspects we are applying to our missions at Blacksharkden, it doesn’t mean that Helo World is suitable for complete beginners in RW operations. There are some good challenges. As such, we cannot encourage you enough to join our Blacksharkden Discord Server and get all the info and links you will need to fully enjoy this public server.
The HELO WORLD Public server can be found on the DCS server list at “Helo World by [BSD] BlackSharkDen” and runs on the Syria Map.
Exclusive scripts
Unlock all the potential for rotary wings operations in DCS. Check out our doc!

In this server, you will be able to perform:
– Close air support (Troops in contact)
– Sector control (capture areas while fighting against vastly improved AI)
– FARP activation (Mi-8, UH-1H and UH-60L are heroes too). Provide the required logistics to support the ongoing battle.
– Oil Rig assault
– Maritime security and VBSS (Visit, Board, Search, Seizure)
– Anti submarine warfare (on selected helicopter types only)
– Counter Insurgency Operations (COIN)
Make sure to read the documentation
It’s always more fun to fly with others! Make sure you communicate with the other pilots on the server either by using Discord or SimpleRadio